Dorte Rolff-Petersen (DK)
Artistic Director of ACE 2018, Suzuki Teacher Trainer, Workshops Danish cellist Dorte Rolff-Petersen works as both Suzuki teacher and performing artist with extensive experience in symphony orchestra and chamber music. She has devoted herself to perform as a baroque cellist and is a former member of the Aarhus-based ensemble BaroqueAros. Dorte is the Artistic Director of Aarhus Cello Expo |
Sofia Lind Pedersen (DK/SE)
ACE Board and Fundraiser Sofia Lind Pedersen was born in Munkfors, Sweden. Trained at the Falun Music Conservatory and with celloprofessor Henrik Brendstrup and Harro Ruijsenaars at the Royal Academy of Music (RAMA), Aarhus. In May 2010, Sofia made her debut from the RAMA soloist class (diploma). She has also completed her studies with a "Long Term Career Development Residency" in chamber music at The Banff Center of Arts, Canada. In addition to being an active cellist and performer, Sofia works with education and co-operation at Aarhus Music School and MGK East. Sofia is passionate about the experimental art and the curious approach to all kinds of music and also organizes concerts as a member of the Board of Aarhus Tonekunstnere (Aarhus Young Tone Artists). |
Benedikte Borum Engell(DK)
ACE Board (Bio coming soon) |
Cecilie Schmidt Dam (DK)
ACE Board (Bio coming soon) |